2018: FrederickPolls’ record of 11 Wins vs. 1 Loss includes — the only successful NO campaign on the Statewide Florida Ballot; 3 successful school funding ballots; and a win in Maine against a poorly conceived George Soros-backed initiative.
2018-19 Ballot Issues Campaigns
- Denver: Flood Control District (tax increase).
- Pitkin County (CO) — Health Communities Tax.
- Aurora Public Schools (CO) — Bond and Mil Levy.
- Glenwood Springs, CO Fire District.
- Maine Chamber of Commerce — Home Care Income Surtax.
- Jungle Island (Miami) — Development Plan.
- Soccer Stadium-Melreese Golf Course (Miami) — Development Plan.
- Miami Strong Mayor.
- Miami Riverfront Center — Development Plan.
- Hillsborough County (FL) Schools — Tax Increase.
- Miami-Dade County Schools — Bond.
- Ft. Lauderdale Police (Bond) and Parks (Bond).
Previous Cycle Ballot Issues
- Missouri Solar Ballot Issues.
- Florida “Smart Solar” and “Solar Choice” Ballots.
- Broward (FL) Transportation Sales Tax.
- APS (CO) School Bond.
- Cheyenne (WY) Children’s Museum Sales Tax.
- City of Miami Beach (FL) — Streetcar; Urgent Care; Marina Development; Convention Center.
- City of Miami (FL) — Marina Development.
- Maine — Amendment 2/Income Surtax.
- Glenwood Springs, CO Infrastructure Tax.
- Englewood, CO Public Safety Building Bond.
- Broward (FL) School Bonds.
- Miami-Dade FIU Land Expansion.
- Westy 50 School Bonds (Denver, CO).
- Miami Beach Convention Hotel — Land Use.
- Durango, Colorado Airport Expansion.
- Hillsborough Co (FL) Transportation Sales Tax — GO Hillsborough.
- Youngstown, OH Fracking Ban.
- Eanes TX School Bonds.
- Miami-Dade Jackson Hospital Tax Authorization.
- Miami-Dade School Bonds.
- Longmont, CO Public High-Speed Internet Authorization.
- West Metro Fire District (Denver) Bond.
- Pinellas County (FL) Post-Election Poll on Transit Sales Tax.
Other Ballot/Legislative Issue Experience:
- Not-For-Profit Tax Exemption — IA, ID, IL, VT, TN.
- Financial Regulatory Reform.
- Family Leave Policy.
- Solar Credits/Net Metering.
- Right-to-Work (anti).
- Transportation Infrastructure Financing.
- Gay Marriage/Gay Adoption.
- Developer Entitlement/Growth Restrictions.
- Tax Limitations.
- Gaming Legalization/Expansion.
- Library Funding.
- Zoo Funding
- Stadium Financing.
- School Financing.
- Infrastructure Taxation.